Garden Admission & Hours
Open Daily 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM!
Last admission at 4:30 PM
Admission Fees (tax included)
- Members: Free
- Adults 13 and up: $25 (online: $20)
- Children 4-12: $15 (online: $10)
- Children 0-3: Free
- Golf Cart Ride: $20.00 per person—cannot be reserved
- Parking: Free
- Boat Dock has been removed
- Dogs are not allowed during Holiday Lights
Rates always subject to change without notice
Download a copy of the Garvan Woodland Gardens Map here. Note: Boat Dock has been removed.
Want to become a Member? Memberships may be purchased by calling 800-366-4664 weekdays 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. or in person in our gift shop daily. You may also use this link to download the membership form and mail to 540 Arkridge Road, Hot Springs, AR 71913.
Reciprocal Garden Admission Policy
Garvan Woodland Gardens participates in the AHS Reciprocal Garden admission program. If you are a single member at another AHS Reciprocal Garden, you receive admission for one person with a current membership card and photo ID. If you are a dual or above member at another AHS Reciprocal Garden, you receive admission for two persons with a current membership card and photo ID and children 12 and under.
Group Rates
Special rates are available for groups and schools. Group tours should be reserved one week in advance to receive special rate. One form of payment required for group rate. Click here for more details.
Garden Closings
The Gardens are closed on:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- Month of January, including New Year’s Day
Inclement Weather Closings
The Gardens closes if inclement weather occurs which would threaten the safety of visitors. These instances include, but are not limited to, lightning, hail, high winds, or ice in the area. The Gardens also closes if there is a scheduled or unforeseen power outage that would limit our ability to provide basic services to our visitors.
Handicap Accessibility & Parking
While is is our goal to offer handicap accessibility throughout the Gardens, some of the Gardens is currently not barrier free and assistance is necessary. Many paths and garden areas have paved surfaces throughout; some paths classified as “ADA Accessible” are packed gravel surfaces that are difficult for someone pushing a wheelchair to navigate; be advised that a complete tour of the Gardens will include both types of surfaces.
Handicap parking is offered in the middle parking lot bay across from the entrance to the Pratt Welcome Center. Golf cart tours by a trained guide are available for visitors with limited mobility. See rate above.
Mobility in the Gardens
Garvan Woodland Gardens is a WALKING tour Garden. NO BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS, ROLLER BLADES OR ROLLER SKATES ARE ALLOWED. We offer a golf cart tour for an additional fee; see above. Garvan does not have “Dedicated Bike Lanes” as indicated on Google Maps.
Special Needs
Wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs and strollers are allowed and work well in the Gardens. Visitors needing a wheelchair should bring their own. The Gardens has a few wheelchairs available on a first-come basis. We also have a few umbrella strollers available to borrow on a first come, first served basis only.
Photo Policy
Visitors are permitted to capture still photos or video of Garvan Woodland Gardens to remember their visit if the images are solely for their personal enjoyment and not for portrait, commercial or organizational purposes. However, if you bring changes of clothes or props, you must have the $150 photo pass, even for cell phone photos.
Photos made by professional photographers in our Gardens must have a $150 photo pass that includes admission for 5 people. Bridal photos of non-Gardens brides taken in the Anthony Chapel have a $500 photo fee.
See Photo Guidelines and Rules for full details.
*Dog Policy
We love our furry friends and want them to continue to enjoy walking in the Gardens. Here are the guidelines:
- Well behaved dogs on a short leash are welcome. Members’ dogs are free, all others $5.
- One dog per person** and dogs must remain leashed at all times and places in the Gardens.
- Retractable leashes are not allowed. Maximum leash length is 6 feet.
- Aggressive dogs, dogs in heat, or dogs that bark excessively in the Welcome Center are not permitted. Garvan Gardens reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove any dog thought to be disruptive or dangerous to guests or other dogs.
- Please use discretion where you permit your dog to relieve itself. Please keep them out of the planting beds and you must pick up waste and dispose of it properly. Plastic bags are available at the cash registers.
- Dogs are not allowed inside Anthony Chapel, inside the Tree House, or in the ponds.
- Water is available at the dog fountain in front of the Welcome Center, at the Pavilion and Perry Point Restrooms and at the Chipmunk Café.
- Service dogs are admitted free and are allowed in all areas of the Gardens. We abide by Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, including the definition of a service animal.
- **One dog per person unless dogs are registered as Garvan AmbassaDogs, then 2 dogs per Garvan Gardens member are allowed. Registration is $5 per dog and a special tag will be issued for each dog upon approval of Garvan AmbassaDog status. Please call our Guest Services Director at 501.262.9300 to inquire about our AmbassaDog program.
- Dogs are not allowed during Holiday Lights.
For more information call 501-262-9300 or 800-366-4664